Merimbula and Wyndham work together as the Sapphire Coast Uniting Church.
Latest Projects:
* Support for Fiji - For some time now we have been partnering with UnitingWorld and the Methodist Church in Fiji to support families living in an informal settlement outside Suva. The aim is to help them become self-sufficient in supporting education of the children there. The link below was received recently as a 'thank you' from one of the graduating students.
Student thank you
UnitingCare Merimbula Aged Care Volunteer Visitors Scheme.
This is a government funded scheme which is coordinated by Lee Todd, with approximately 30-40 volunteers involved from the church, and the community. The scheme is primarily designed to provide friendship and support to elderly members of the community who are currently living in aged care facilities or at home receiving a Commonwealth package. The scheme differentiates from other voluntary groups in that it provides one-on-one companionship between the volunteer and the resident. This enables both parties to experience the pleasure of growing friendship. The volunteers also meet periodically for training and social occasions in which they can share experiences with one another.
If you would like more information or to join this rewarding outreach program, please contact Lee via email at [email protected] or on mobile - 0467 398 931
More information can be found on the ACVVS website here
Mission - Outreach to other communities and countries has always been paramount to the Uniting Church in Australia.
The Sapphire Coast Uniting Church supports needy communities in the Pacific and beyond. We have a strong local focus on mission through ad hoc giving as needs arise, as well as an international sustainable development outlook.
Our major international outreach is a partnership with UnitingWorld and the Methodist Church in Fiji, focusing on supporting a settlement community on the outskirts of Suva to become more independent and to take ownership of their educational needs. We aim to give a 'hand up' rather than a 'hand out' and look forward to building strong connections through long term involvement.
In recent years, financial support has also been provided to: Compassion Australia, Pearls Place, Nepal Leprosy Trust, Save the Children Fund, Bombala Rotary, Kairos Prison Ministry, Nungalinya Aboriginal College, Share Syrian Refugee Appeal, Tulgeen Disability Group, Broken Hill Flying Patrol, Wall of Hands Aboriginal Literacy Program, Alayne Drowley Trust, Act for Peace appeal, St Georges Uniting Church Eden, St James House Project (Anglican Church), Community Carers Accommodation South East, World Vision, The Social Justice Advocates of the Sapphire Coast, Friends of Tionge (Zambia), Britton Dunning Family Appeal, Gideons International, Rohingya Appeal, Sapphire Community Pantry, Cyclone Gita (Tonga) Appeal, Tathra Bushfire Appeal, Dementia Support program at Pambula Hospital, Rural Aid and Living is Giving.
Latest Projects:
* Support for Fiji - For some time now we have been partnering with UnitingWorld and the Methodist Church in Fiji to support families living in an informal settlement outside Suva. The aim is to help them become self-sufficient in supporting education of the children there. The link below was received recently as a 'thank you' from one of the graduating students.
Student thank you
UnitingCare Merimbula Aged Care Volunteer Visitors Scheme.
This is a government funded scheme which is coordinated by Lee Todd, with approximately 30-40 volunteers involved from the church, and the community. The scheme is primarily designed to provide friendship and support to elderly members of the community who are currently living in aged care facilities or at home receiving a Commonwealth package. The scheme differentiates from other voluntary groups in that it provides one-on-one companionship between the volunteer and the resident. This enables both parties to experience the pleasure of growing friendship. The volunteers also meet periodically for training and social occasions in which they can share experiences with one another.
If you would like more information or to join this rewarding outreach program, please contact Lee via email at [email protected] or on mobile - 0467 398 931
More information can be found on the ACVVS website here
Mission - Outreach to other communities and countries has always been paramount to the Uniting Church in Australia.
The Sapphire Coast Uniting Church supports needy communities in the Pacific and beyond. We have a strong local focus on mission through ad hoc giving as needs arise, as well as an international sustainable development outlook.
Our major international outreach is a partnership with UnitingWorld and the Methodist Church in Fiji, focusing on supporting a settlement community on the outskirts of Suva to become more independent and to take ownership of their educational needs. We aim to give a 'hand up' rather than a 'hand out' and look forward to building strong connections through long term involvement.
In recent years, financial support has also been provided to: Compassion Australia, Pearls Place, Nepal Leprosy Trust, Save the Children Fund, Bombala Rotary, Kairos Prison Ministry, Nungalinya Aboriginal College, Share Syrian Refugee Appeal, Tulgeen Disability Group, Broken Hill Flying Patrol, Wall of Hands Aboriginal Literacy Program, Alayne Drowley Trust, Act for Peace appeal, St Georges Uniting Church Eden, St James House Project (Anglican Church), Community Carers Accommodation South East, World Vision, The Social Justice Advocates of the Sapphire Coast, Friends of Tionge (Zambia), Britton Dunning Family Appeal, Gideons International, Rohingya Appeal, Sapphire Community Pantry, Cyclone Gita (Tonga) Appeal, Tathra Bushfire Appeal, Dementia Support program at Pambula Hospital, Rural Aid and Living is Giving.
Dance Group – weekly event with a core group of regular attendees. The group meet Tuesday evenings at 7:00pm and Friday mornings at 9:00am under the umbrella of the Uniting Church. New participants are most welcome.
Uniting Care Merimbula Aged Care Volunteer Visitors’ Scheme. This is a government funded scheme coordinated by Therese Griffiths, providing one-to-one visitors for local nursing home residents and socially isolated residents in their own homes. With approximately 40 volunteer visitors, about half are church members.
Op Shop at Tura Beach. A great number of volunteer Church members are involved in this as well as a significant number of community volunteers.
Many people come through the shop each day to browse, chat or buy low cost goods. Proceeds assist with the running of the church and with local and international charities.
Fellowship Group - Participants enjoy fun afternoons, guest speakers, delicious afternoon teas and lunch outings. Contact Corinne Nicolson or Joan Lovett . No longer meeting formally. Informal lunches to continue.
At Wyndham several members belong to an inter faith choir, “Wyndham Hymn Singers”
Other Wyndham members are involved in scripture classes at the local primary school
"We acknowledge the Yuin people, the first inhabitants of the land. We honour them for their custodianship of the land on which we gather."